However experts warn ash dieback has hit areas like the Mendip Hills in Somerset particularly hard, with widespread tree loss ...
This variability could inform the development of hardier ash trees, resistant to both the invasive beetles and rising ...
In the decades since, the wood-boring beetle has spread east and west across the U.S. and Canada, killing tens of millions of ash trees, causing one of the costliest forest insect invasions to date.
MDA The results of a new study looking for emerald ash borer in Minnesota is noteworthy and somewhat surprising, scientists say. The Minnesota Department of Agriculture recently ...
Ash trees make up nearly one-third of the Faribault's tree canopy, and the population has been devastated by the emerald ash ...
“Ash trees get so brittle when they die that they ... like the Chippewa National Forest in northern Minnesota. In areas of the state, like some spots in northern Minnesota, places that ...
The invasive emerald ash borer, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, was first found in the United States in southeast Michigan in 2002. In the decades ...