The Farnsworth Fusor is a fascinating device, a reactor that fuses hydrogen into helium by creating a plasma under a very high voltage. Although it isn’t a practical way to generate energy ...
In just four weeks and with a modest budget of $2,000, Nazoordeen assembled a mini fusor using parts sourced online. While his device hasn't yet achieved nuclear fusion, his innovative approach ...
In just four weeks and with about $2,000, Hudhayfa Nazoordeen, a math major from the University of Waterloo, created a mini fusor using parts he bought online. His project might not have produced ...
Sometimes you spend so much time building and operating your nuclear fusor that you neglect the creature comforts, like a simple fusion control profile or a cellphone app to remote control the ...
He built a fusor to detect neutrons, not to achieve full fusion, using materials like hydrocar and deuterium oxide. The project involved creating a low-pressure chamber and electrolyzing deuterium ...