The PAC is vested with the responsibility of overseeing the accounts of the government, both income, expenditure and auditing ...
Satyagraha, under Gandhi's quiet leadership, was hard to stop, for in the minds of Indians, he had effectively changed Truth into Action. When the leaders and supporters of the Montgomery boycott ...
Gandhi led people to boycott British salt, and encouraged them to produce their own salt from sea water at Dandi. After this protest, around 60,000 people were arrested, including Gandhi himself.
Making History received information about other sightings of Mahatma Gandhi while he was here in ... the All India Congress Party led a boycott of British goods, especially cotton textiles ...
as shown when Martin Luther King Jr spoke of Gandhi as the guiding light of their technique of social change. King was one of the leaders of the famous Montgomery bus boycott (1955-1956).
The invitation to visit was issued by Mr Corder Catchpool of Greenfield Mill who wanted Gandhi to see the effects of India's ...
Mahatma Gandhi Punyatithi 2025 marks his death anniversary on 30th January. Here are speech and essay ideas for students to honour Gandhi ji’s life, values, and legacy.