Apex Legends has reached a huge milestone—its six-year anniversary! Season 24: Takeover is now live, and while this season doesn’t introduce a new Legend, it brings massive meta shifts that […] ...
Apex Legends has released version 1.000.093 of the battle royale shooter, and we've listed the known issues Respawn is ...
This article will provide you with a detailed brief on how you can play Ash in Apex Legends ... and as of now, she can get her hands on the following Legend Upgrades in-game: Level 2 Upgrades ...
There’s an Apex Legends character for every play style: Wraith and Mirage’s ... characters complement each other if you want to win games consistently in the free PC game.
Alter in Apex Legends received a few buffs to make her more effective on the battlefield. She is a Skirmisher character and is the latest addition that arrived in the game. Her ability kit ...
The entire French voice actor cast for Apex Legends has resigned due to being mandated to train AI in their new contract.
RELATED: Apex Legends: How to Play NEW Lifeline Ballistic has received ... and the levels required to earn them, you can now get end-game ready more easily and focus on what matters most—the ...
Rostermania rages on in North America with many of Apex's biggest names finding themselves new homes. With year five of the ...
The game reached a peak of 259,003 concurrent players on Steam on Sunday, March 9. That makes it the No. 2 game of all time published by EA in terms of Steam concurrents, surpassed only by the free-to ...