To achieve Florida’s workforce talent goals, we need to ensure that an education beyond high school is within all Floridians’ ...
The Florida Department of Corrections has announced that various correctional education positions will be offered a $1,000 ...
Tampa Republican Rep. Susan Valdés introduced the measure ( HB 1111 ). She told committee members that a high school ...
Out-of-state students might bear the burden of any changes. Read more from Politico Florida. In anther higher education move ...
The J.E.T. (Job Embedded Teaching) Pathway program provided by Barry University and BloomBoard allows paraprofessionals and ...
The Florida Department of Corrections announced on Monday that it is offering a $1,000 hiring bonus for correctional education positions.
SB 676 would allow people applying for certain jobs to check a box saying they'd take less than minimum wage. Critics say ...
Hablo, who had no prior criminal history, must register as a sex offender and was ordered to surrender his Florida education ...
Teachers in Southwest Florida may face even tougher times ahead as a new bill threatens the existence of their unions.
Florida Gulf Coast University and Florida SouthWestern State College must assess DEI efforts following a federal directive ...