A bouquet of thousands of stars in bloom has arrived. This composite image contains the deepest X-ray image ever made of the ...
NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope Discovers a Cosmic Bullseye, Found to Be a Galaxy With Star-Filled Rings Astronomers observed a unique image of a galactic collision between galaxies which created a ...
Is Earth really exceptional?  A new book seems to reaffirm that notion.  But given the right conditions, primitive life may be a mere byproduct of biophysics.
NASA's Pandora satellite mission to document at least 20 known planets orbiting distant stars will start from SpaceX at its ...
A giant galaxy called LEDA 1313424, dubbed the “Bullseye,” which has nine rings filled with stars has been discovered by the ...
The Hubble Space Telescope’s latest stunning images have allowed scientists to solve the mystery of the Bullseye Galaxy’s plentiful rings.
This artist's concept visualizes a super-Neptune world orbiting a low-mass star near the center of our Milky Way galaxy.
Hubble’s high-resolution imagery allowed researchers to hone in on more of the Bullseye galaxy’s rings — and helped confirm ...
Scientists have discovered an impressive galaxy with Hubble Space Telescope that has six more rings than other previously ...
“We [will be able to] move quickly and map out very large areas of the sky,” adds Josh Schlieder, the telescope’s wide-field ...
A small blue dwarf galaxy passed through the massive Bullseye galaxy. This impact created nine rings of new stars.