Today, I want to show how the Torah’s portrayal of that moment resonated over a thousand years later in the Talmud, in the words of Hillel, and can still inspire us today two thousand years ...
Hillel filed the complaint on behalf of students who identify with Hillel or Israel. Hillel said in its complaint that certain Jewish students at Sarah Lawrence, a nationally prominent liberal ...
The federal Department of Education is opening a Title VI antisemitism investigation into Sarah Lawrence College in response to a complaint from the campus Hillel chapter that the school fostered ...
UNC Hillel is our home. It built us into student leaders and deepened our connections to Jewish culture and community. Hillel is a place for students to connect, find comfort, and explore Judaism ...
The AFRO knows what it’s like to endure challenging times. John H. Murphy, Sr., a former enslaved man founded the AFRO in 1892 with $200 from his wife, Martha Howard Murphy. Together they ...