NexGen Energy is a Canadian company focused on delivering clean energy fuel for the future. The Company's flagship Rook I Project is being optimally developed into the largest low cost producing ...
Working out over age 40 may require a different fitness approach due to hormonal and physical shifts in the body. Fitness experts explain what should change for best results.
Dr. Stella Volpe, Department Head and Professor for the Department of Human Nutrition, Foods, and Exercise at Virginia Tech, joins us for Here @ Home to discuss how to get back on track and how ...
Jason Walsh's father died of a heart attack at age 42, so when the personal trainer learned his own cholesterol levels were ...
Summer is in fact coming… and whether you stuck with your New Year’s fitness resolutions or fell off the wagon, the reality is—there’s still time to transform! If you’re looking to get ...
Meet Alex Siskos, a teen content creator known as “Junior Fit Nutrition” who started his health journey on social media and has garnered millions of views with his ...
From reproductive health and mental wellness to nutrition and fitness, no subject is off-limits. This podcast is dedicated to providing trustworthy, expert-backed information that is accessible to all ...
Feb. 28, 2025 — Researchers have identified small molecules in the blood that may impact early childhood development, showing how dietary exposures, early life ... A Third of Children Worldwide ...
In a move meant to revolutionize air travel, Atlanta-based Delta Air Lines has partnered with California startup JetZero to design and build “more sustainable aircraft” for commercial flights.
The seed oil discussion has exasperated nutrition scientists, who say decades of research confirms the health benefits of consuming such oils, especially in place of alternatives such as butter or ...
With GLP-1 weight loss comes muscle loss. Gyms and personal trainers are rising to the challenge to help people build it back ...
Morningstar Quantitative Ratings for Stocks are generated using an algorithm that compares companies that are not under analyst coverage to peer companies that do receive analyst-driven ratings ...