Oklahoma County Judge Brent Dishman tossed Rep. Andy Fugate’s lawsuit against Gov. Kevin Stitt Monday, saying the Del City ...
A judge said it would cause chaos if individual lawmakers were allowed to sue every time they might disagree with some action ...
The governor defended both the decision to end remote work and his authority to do so. The Senate leader and House speaker ...
He is preceded in death by his parents, brother Dave, sisters, Linda Bixby, Sue Dietrich, and a son Chris Lyman.
Hamden's scenic routes include portions of Hogan and River roads, Spruce Bank Road, Hillfield Road, Tuttle Avenue and Brookside ... is expected to occur. Sue Gruen, Hamden's town attorney ...
Howells: Landon Lee Dobbins, freshman, College of Arts and Sciences, biochemistry; Darrin Pokorny, senior, College of ...
Megan Rapinoe and Sue Bird were looking their best in New York City. The couple posed for pictures in Central Park near Columbus Circle on Tuesday for a photo shoot. The United States women’s ...
Berlin Film Festival director Tricia Tuttle has voiced her concerns about the rise of the far-right as Germany gears up for a general election this Sunday in which the extreme right-wing ...
The alleged debts appear to date back to spring 2024, as Ameris Bank filed a lawsuit against ACB, Matthew Wilcox and ACB founder and president Greg Tuttle, claiming that the defendants owe Ameris ...