Medtronic (NYSE:MDT) reported a share price increase of 11% in the last quarter, largely reflecting its solid financial ...
Medtronic appoints Renault executive Thierry Pieton as finance chief Medtronic will appoint Renault's finance chief Thierry Pieton as its chief financial officer effective March 3, the medical ...
Medtronic appoints Renault executive Thierry Pieton as finance chief Medtronic will appoint Renault's finance chief Thierry Pieton as its chief financial officer effective March 3, the medical ...
Medtronic's BrainSense aDBS personalizes Parkinson's therapy in real-time, minimizing manual adjustments for better symptom control. BrainSense Electrode Identifier speeds up initial DBS ...
Un homme a été happé mortellement par un véhicule lourd lundi, a annoncé le Service de police de la Ville de Gatineau (SPVG) en fin d’après-midi. La collision est survenue vers 13 h près de ...
La collision est survenue vers 13 h près de l’intersection du boulevard La Vérendrye Ouest et de la rue de Cannes. « La collision se serait produite entre un véhicule lourd et un ...
La victime a lourdement chuté au sol, à la mi-journée, lundi, rue Georges-Courteline, dans le quartier Croix-Luizet. Un trottinettiste a été conduit à l’hôpital entre la vie et la mort ...
Medtronic is a diversified medical device maker with a global footprint. Its reliably growing dividend has helped fuel its stock performance for decades. Its shares are reasonably valued for the ...
The company remains "hopeful" the rules will be relaxed, CFO Thierry Pieton told journalists, but was not counting on that for its financial forecasts. A Renault R5 Roland-Garros E-Tech 100% electric ...
"This excellent performance is the result of our product offensive and cost cutting," chief financial officer Thierry Pieton told journalists. "Renault Group has never been so strong and benefited ...
The company remains "hopeful" the rules will be relaxed, CFO Thierry Pieton told journalists, but was not counting on that for its financial forecasts. It expects to spend on discounts to sell ...