Chandra X-ray Observatory observations of the Perseus galaxy cluster's black hole and M87's jet have been turned into sound by SYSTEM Sounds. The Chandra team explains how it was done.
Is it possible to understand the universe without understanding the largest structures that reside in it? In principle, not ...
Supermassive black holes are seen as sources of wanton cosmic destruction, but there may be more to their powerful influence ...
Giant radio galaxies (GRGs) are massive, with plasma jets powered by supermassive black holes at their centers, stretching ...
Featuring the world’s largest digital camera, the Vera C. Rubin Observatory will capture these mysterious phenomena in more ...
New research shows black holes can trigger gas cooling, creating fuel for their own feeding. This process keeps them growing ...
New James Webb Space Telescope observations of a star cluster called NGC 346 are shedding light on how, when and where ...
Dark energy is still a mystery, but powerful new telescopes are set to uncover clues. With NASA and ESA leading the charge, ...
You may not know it, but right now there’s a huge cosmic rave party happening far, far above our heads. The chief party goers are ... poking out of a ball of sticky tack (the galaxy). Astronomers ...
The Hubble Space Telescope has provided the most detailed survey of the Andromeda galaxy, revealing new clues about its ...
A fast radio burst, or a strong pulse of energy, was tracked to a distant long-dead galaxy that astronomers never thought could produce such a signal.