Alex Granger is a successful New York fashion photographer with a past he is a former CIA operative specializing in surveillance work Bored with his present lifestyle and craving adventure Alex is ...
"I'd rather take a risk and fail than not take a risk and become a nobody" (Some successful MIT businessman) In addition to being aware of risks, it is important to articulate risks to potential ...
Anyone experiencing unemployment, isolation, legal troubles, or any of the risk factors listed below—along with warning signs of suicidal behavior—should seek help or be referred to mental ...
Your sex. Women are more likely to develop lupus. Your age. Symptoms and diagnosis occur most often between the ages of 15 and 44. Symptoms of lupus will occur before age 18 in only 15 percent of the ...
Scientists look for patterns in data. These patterns can identify risk factors involved in non-communicable diseases. For instance, data collected have shown links between developing cancer and ...
Risk factors are determinants associated with an increased risk of a disease. Risk factors can be genetic or an aspect of personal behavior, lifestyle or environmental exposure. Extreme heat ...
Research has made a connection between certain risk factors that could be prevalent in those who work the night shift that are associated with cardiovascular disease, such as smoking and metabolic ... The methodology for studies designed to investigate potential risk factors for sports injury is reviewed, using the case of hamstring strains as an example. Injuries result from a complex ...
Cap-weighted benchmarks incorporate no explicit objective to capture exposure to those risk factors that have been documented in the academic literature to offer a long-term reward. Deviations ...
Permanent and non-modifiable risk factors cannot be changed and may alert others to the heightened risk of suicide during periods of the recurrence of a mental or substance abuse disorder or following ...
A person’s risk of ... important factors that can lead to a smaller cognitive reserve are: leaving education early: a person who left school at an early age is more likely to have a smaller cognitive ...