The 1,760-square-mile San Joaquin River Basin that the San Joaquin River and its web of tributaries provides with snowmelt ...
Water managers in the Tulare Lake, Tule and the Kaweah subbasins are discussing the possibility of creating a regional ...
Gov. Newsom's planned $20 billion tunnel to divert more water south and bypass the Delta would bring years of noise, pollution and traffic.
Not all Californian coastal areas are moving lower. The Santa Barbara groundwater basin, which has been continuously ...
The study on preparing Bay Area communities for rising sea levels says Marin faces $17 billion in expenses to build adaptive ...
The ground in many parts of the state—including Los Angeles, San Francisco and the Central Valley—is subsiding due to groundwater withdrawal, landslides and compacting of sediment ...
(An acre-foot of water is enough to submerge one acre of land a foot deep.) The effort has had some success. In 2023, San Joaquin ... subsidence has accelerated, with much of the valley floor ...
(An acre-foot of water is enough to submerge one acre of land a ... in the San Joaquin Valley and Central Coast, another region with depleted groundwater. In downtown San Jose, groundwater overdraft ...