Politicians are being welcomed at the Waitangi Treaty Grounds on Wednesday. The Parliamentary pōwhiri is a chance each year ...
Toitū te Tiriti has been instrumental in coordinating discussions in the forum tent this year. The group was just in its ...
Seymour’s microphone was taken away twice while delivering the remarks. Members of the welcoming party stood to turn their ...
E ngā mana, e ngā reo, e rau Rangatira. Two years ago here, I set out my party’s three goals for the Treaty. Since then I’ve held to these goals and promises. Some who heard my words here ...
One belief was virtually universal within the Waitangi forum tents: existing as Māori is inherently political.
New Zealand turned 185 on Thursday. Tensions are running high on the eve of the country's national day, commemorating the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi between Maori and the Crown in 1840. On ...
Speaking publicly for the first time since being treated for cancer, the Greens co-leader criticised the Prime Minister for not attending Waitangi.
The new queen, dressed in all white, stood out immediately among the kuia and kaumātua who were wearing their usual black formal pōwhiri clothes.
Senior Ngāpuhi members say fiery debate at Waitangi isn't going anywhere, so Te Tii Marae could be the best place for it to ...
New Zealand Deputy Prime Minister Winston Peters has hit back against criticism directed at NZ Prime Minister Christopher ...
Te Pāti Māori will demand the establishment of a new parliamentary commissioner with “teeth” to address proposed legislation ...
Events are starting to wind down at Waitangi with the great waka Ngaatokimatawhaorua, with about 80 kaihoe on board, coming ...