Greece and Cyprus have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to press ahead with a subsea electric cable linking ...
Here are the top business stories in Cyprus from the week starting September 16: Following the recent announcement of a €30 ...
Cyprus has been a holiday favourite for many Brits over the years, but many are now snubbing the island - a recent poll ...
As world leaders gather for an annual session of the U.N. General Assembly, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) ...
Cyprus has been a popular holiday hotspot for Brits for years, but a recent poll has revealed that many tourists are unhappy ...
THE SLAUGHTER of the sacred cow by the Supreme Constitutional Court was bloodless, but it still left such a mess that it ...
President Vladimir Putin made a list of countries "showing destructive behavior contrary to Russian spiritual and moral ...
The island of Cyprus has long been a popular holiday destination for UK tourists, but disgruntled holidaymakers are ...
Ersin Tatar, UN chief to discuss direct flights to Northern Cyprus, trade, international contact, lifting embargo - Anadolu ...
Currently, over 30 per cent of tourists to the island are repeat visitors from around Europe, but now many disgruntled ...
The Turkish navy is strengthening its role in global and regional security by expanding its operations in the Indian Ocean ...
A number of British tourists have vowed 'never' to visit Cyprus again after experiencing what they described as a 'horror' ...