The ITV show has previously seen Strictly alumni James Jordan and Brendan Cole compete on the famous rink, sparking complaints from viewers over their renowned dance skills.
British guitarist John Sykes, best known for his work with rock bands Thin Lizzy and Whitesnake, has died aged 65 “after a ...
David who paid a heartbreaking tribute and said the loss had left his 'heart shattered' stepped out in Manchester on Saturday ...
The Hollyoaks and reality TV star died at the age of 46, sending shockwave through the showbiz community. The actor, who ...
Penelope Teeth bites into another week of showbiz headlines… The Corrie Exodus continues Shelley King who appears as Yasmeen ...
Happeings – what’s coming up in Northeast Here is a brief rundown of some coming entertainment options in Northeast Ohio. Make submissions for consideration via email to ...