For Mauritius to return to the path of democracy – let alone an “exemplary” one – there is a long and winding road ahead. Weeds must be pulled, obstacles leveled, and empty rhetoric replaced with real ...
À l’heure du tout à l’image et du buzz sans suite, «l’express» souhaite faire découvrir la plume de poètes, de chanteurs, ...
The Kodi Etram or Flag Raising Ceremony was held in all kovils on Sunday 2nd February this week to mark the start of a 10-day ...
Introduction** The unprecedented constant changes that are reshaping our daily life impose challenges that our policymakers cannot disregard. Never before have we lived in such a technologically ...
Moody’s Final Warning (Part 2) Fiscal measures According to Moody’s comments, dated 16 December 2024, the Government should run a primary fiscal balance to reduce the public debt to GDP ratio ...
Fiscal measures** According to Moody’s comments, dated 16 December 2024, the Government should run a primary fiscal balance to reduce the public debt to GDP ratio, and demonstrate the effective ...
Transportée d’urgence à l’hôpital SSRN de Pamplemousses après un accident survenu le 10 février, Natasha Barrun, 39 ans, n’a ...
Dans le bruissement des cannes et des morcellements qui poussent, nos routes serpentent telles des artères vitales, reliant ...
Dans sa volonté de se rapprocher des patients, le ministre de la Santé, Anil Bachoo, a effectué une visite surprise à ...