India’s road network is considered to be the most dangerous in the world. Find out how iMAAP software is saving lives in Himachal Pradesh.
TRL, in collaboration with Highways News, recently hosted an insightful webinar focused on the transformative Graduated Driver Licensing (GDL) programme in Australia, and how its principles can be ...
The National Driver Offender Retraining Scheme (NDORS) comprises behaviour change courses offered to road traffic offenders instead of prosecution. This report presents an evaluation of the majority ...
Whatever your micromobilty solution is, we can test it. Powered micromobility solutions are not currently legal to use on public roads (with the exception of shared e-scooters currently being trialled ...
The current UK pavement design standard deals with the use of a limited number of materials in a restricted range of design options. The versatility of this method needs to be increased to give the ...
Understanding the relationships between road surface properties and high speed friction is key to managing the risk of loss of vehicle control. It is understood that, in wet conditions, texture depth ...
Hypothesis testing is a well-used statistical method to evaluate whether a proposition is true or false. A fundamental part of the testing procedure is the calculation and interpretation of a p-value, ...
Much of the urban development in the UK is founded on heavily overconsolidated sedimentary clays, which are particularly susceptible to swelling and softening following the reduction in stress caused ...